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这位著名的日本作家以penname osamu dazai闻名,出生于1909年。As one of the richest landowners in the Aomori Prefecture, Dazai’s father became a politician in Japan’s House of Peers, which ultimately meant he was absent for most of Dazai’s childhood—he died of lung cancer shortly before Dazai entered high school in 1923. Dazai eventually went on to study literature at Hirosaki University, where he edited and wrote for several student publications. However, he soon lost all interest in school when one of his favorite writers, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, died by suicide in 1927. Dazai started spending his money on alcohol and sex workers, and—two years later—he tried to take his own life. He survived and was ultimately able to graduate the following year. He then went to Tokyo Imperial University to study French literature, but he was expelled for not going to class. Shortly thereafter, he tried again to die by suicide, this time attempting to drown alongside a woman he’d met at a bar. The woman died, but Dazai was rescued by a passing boat. Because his powerful family intervened on his behalf, he narrowly avoided legal repercussions for the woman’s death. In the ensuing years, Dazai wrote and published a number of short stories, experimenting with his characteristically autobiographical style. He tried to die by suicide again in the 1930s but survived once more. He became addicted to painkillers after a bout with appendicitis and, to overcome his addiction, was eventually taken to a psychiatric ward—an experience he writes about in one of his best-known novels,不再是人类。尽管戴扎伊(Dazai)在1930年代和1940年代写了许多小说,尽管他的个人生活和与抑郁症斗争,但包括他最著名的书,包括他最著名的书斜阳,在1947年。他于1948年自杀死亡,与情妇托米·雅马扎基(Tomie Yamazaki)一起淹死。


因为不再是人类是一部高度自传和悔小说,它会感觉有些永恒。但是,它发生在1930年代,这在日本社会中是一个非常特殊的时期。尽管Yozo在抑郁和社会隔离方面的斗争肯定适用于许多不同的时期,但也是如此,他的个人主义存在与当时日本在日本突出的集体民族主义心态有些不符。As a reaction to both diplomatic and financial instability during the Great Depression (which began two years earlier in Japan than it did in the United States), patriotism and a sense of loyalty to Japan became quite common—meaning, of course, that Yozo’s feeling of alienation amongst his fellow Japanese citizens would have gone against societal norms. What’s more, Yozo ends up participating in the Japanese Communist Party, which was officially outlawed in 1925. Anyone found to be in league with the Communist Party was subject to arrest and imprisonment until they converted to embrace a more nationalist agenda. Of course, Yozo himself doesn’t seem to actually关心关于共产主义,但他以任何身份与共产党参与的事实仅强调了他与1930年代日本社会的主流矛盾的程度。


值得考虑不再是人类与奥萨岛的另一本著名小说一起斜阳它于1947年出版 - 仅一年前不再是人类。然而不再是人类是在日本参与第二次世界大战之前设定的斜阳处理战争的直接后果。然而,这两部小说都占有日本社会的股份,并拥有来自富裕家庭的主角。因为不再是人类不过,它在很大程度上是自传的,它有资格成为I-Novel,它指的是一种日本悔文学,该文献在1800年代后期和20世纪上半叶很受欢迎。新利体育官网登录像TōsonShimazaki的I-Novels破碎的诫命和卡泰·塔亚马(Katai Tayama)蒲团即使将作者的情感和经验呈现为小说,也毫不犹豫地介绍了作者的情感和经历,这肯定是如此不再是人类,这非常反映了奥木戴扎伊真实生活的事件。最后,值得注意的是,戴扎伊(Dazai)的女儿Satoko Tsushima(在他去世前一年出生)就成为日本最著名的作者之一,pennameYūkotsushima。
  • 完整标题:不再是人类
  • 出版时:1948年
  • 新利18网址文学时期:现代/shōwa时代
  • 类型:自传小说,日语I-Novel
  • 环境:东京在1930年代
  • 高潮:Yozo的每次自杀企图都充当叙事高潮。
  • 对手:社会隔离和沮丧
  • 观点看法:第一个人



Bungo流浪狗。大阪戴扎伊(Osamu Dazai)在流行漫画系列中成为同名角色的灵感Bungo流浪狗。角色的超级大国(不再是人类”的超级大国,只需通过使用触摸就可以熄灭任何超自然的能力。
